Courage classics

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Wuthering Heights

Forced by a storm to spend the night at the home of the somber Heathcliff, Mr. Lockwood uncovers a tale of terror and hatred on the Yorkshire moors.
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Short stories and tall tales

Presents more than twenty short stories by nineteenth-century American author Mark Twain--including "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" and "How to Tell a Story"--and an essay on the author by Charles Neider.
Cover image of Short stories and tall tales

Jane Eyre

Jane, a plain and penniless orphan in nineteenth-century England, accepts employment as a governess at Thornfield Hall and soon finds herself in love with her melancholy employer, Mr. Edward Rochester, a man with a terrible secret. Includes commentary by Kathleen Tillotson and Virginia Woolf.

The scarlet letter

Presents the story of Hester Prynne, a young wife in seventeenth-century New England who is condemned by Puritan law to wear a scarlet A as the symbol of the sin she has committed; and includes essays that examine the origins, creation, and structure of the novel.

The adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Nineteenth-century American author Mark Twain's novel in which Huck Finn, the son of the town drunk, and Jim, an escaped slave, make a break for freedom down the Mississippi River on a raft; includes two critical essays.

The adventures of Tom Sawyer

Presents Mark Twain's 1876 children's book about the adventures of a mischievous Missouri boy named Tom Sawyer, growing up a few decades before the Civil War; also includes essays by American writers Edgar Lee Masters and William Dean Howells.

The Walt Whitman reader

selections from Leaves of grass
A collection of poems from Walt Whitman's collection "Leaves of Grass" with essays by T.S. Elliot and D.H. Lawrence.

Collected poems

Collects the first four volumes of poetry by Emily Dickinson, written between 1890 and 1914, each with an introduction; and includes critical essays by Thornton Wilder and Elizabeth Jennings.

Edgar Allan Poe reader

A collection of poems and short stories by nineteenth-century American author Edgar Allan Poe, with commentary by George Bernard Shaw and William Carlos Williams.


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