
Geographic Name

The end of the line

the failure of communism in the Soviet Union and China
Two countries where communism failed have lost their ideology and now face religion, sex, and corruption problems.

South of the clouds

exploring the hidden realms of China
The author chronicles his twelve years in China as a student, journalist, and Shanghai Bureau Chief for the New York Times and recalls his experiences with Chinese society, ancient Tibetan burial rites, and social and political changes toward capitalism.

The great wall and the empty fortress

China's search for security
An appraisal of China that discusses its relations with neighboring countries, foreign policies, views on human rights, and its importance to the United States; and argues that China is aware of its vulnerability, both militarily and economically, and will not challenge the United States or other countries.

Black hands of Beijing

lives of defiance in China's democracy movement
Chronicles the lives of three Chinese compatriots which reveals the defiant spirit that drives the struggle for democracy in China. Renders the inner workings of the Chinese democracy movement from its first tremors in 1976 to the present.

A family from China

Describes the activities of a family of farmers living in southern China, providing brief information about daily life and customs.


Presents the life of a fifth-grade girl and her family living in Beijing, China, describing her home and school, daily activities, and the ethnic groups, religion, government, education, industry, geography, and history of her country.


Reprints thirty articles, book excerpts, speeches, and studies that examine issues related to life in modern-day China, discussing prospects for the liberalization of China's political system, domestic issues, human rights, the state of U.S.-China relations, and China's dealings with other countries.

The coming collapse of China

Argues that The People's Republic of China is collapsing and explains how the country's collapse would affect the world economy.

Understanding China

a guide to China's economy, history, and political structure
Covers the current situation in China including an exploration of China's geography, a look at its economy, a discussion of its internal problems like population growth, and a description of China's interaction with the outside world.


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