Offers high school students a comprehensive overview of topics related to geometry, with topic summaries, step-by-step examples, practice questions, study strategies, and other valuable resources.
Offers a comprehensive review of topics in high school algebra 2 course, covering operations, functions, sequences, probability and other related topics; and includes two sample Regents examination with answers.
Presents an in-depth review of the biology topics prescribed by the New York State Board of Regents, covering scientific inquiry, chemistry of living organisms, organic evolution, dynamic equilibrium in living things, and human impact on ecosystems.
A review text for the New York State Physical Setting Earth Science course for high school students containing study units of astronomy, meteorology, and geology.
A Review Text For The New York State Physical Setting Earth Science course for high school students containing study units of astronomy, meteorology, and geology.
Presents an in-depth review of the biology topics prescribed by the New York State Board of Regents, covering biological organization, ecology, structure of the ecosystem, and interaction between humans and the biosphere.
A high school biology supplement that meets New York State's curriculum standards, containing concept reviews with question sets and explained answers, an overview of required laboratory skills, a glossary, and two sample Living Environment Regents Exams with answers.