world politics

Topical Term
world politics


a life in war and peace
A former secretary-general of the United Nations shares his perspectives on the terrorist attacks of September 11; the American invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan; the humanitarian tragedies of Somalia, Rwanda, and Bosnia; and the geopolitical transformations following the Cold War.

Consent of the networked

the world-wide struggle for Internet freedom

Weapons of mass destruction

Explores the history of biological weaponry from ancient and medieval times, the development of chemical and nuclear weapons, the use of the atomic bomb over Japan, the Cold War arms race, and the increased production of weapons of mass destruction by other world powers.

Is Iran a threat to global security?

Twelve essays argue opposing points on the issue of whether Iran is a threat, discussing the country's nuclear program, diplomacy in American-Iranian relations, and other topics.

The breakup of the Soviet Union

opposing viewpoints
A collection of articles debating issues related to the collapse of the former Soviet Union, the future of the region, and America's foreign policy there.


Examines famine throughout the world within a historical context and discusses ways of dealing with the problem.

The Cold War

Contains nineteen essays that provide information about the Cold War, discussing the origins and early years of the conflict, Cold War hot spots, and the end of American support for detente and the last years of the Soviet Union. Includes personal reflections on the Cold War.

Liberal fascism

the secret history of the American left, from Mussolini to the politics of meaning
Explores the intellectual roots shared by modern progressivism and classical fascism, and provides examples of what they author contends are fascist politics in the United States.

Cold war

Profile key figures in the Cold War, its causes, conflict, resolution, and aftermath.

The atomic bazaar

the rise of the nuclear poor
Discusses the danger that exists due to the production of nuclear weapons in poor countries that are potentially hostile to the West, and considers the likelihood of terrorists obtaining nuclear weapons, leaving the U.S. and other Western countries without a clear target for retaliation.


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