armed forces

Topical Term
armed forces

A visit to a marine base

Provides an inside tour of a marine base and describes what life is like for soldiers on the base.


What do people do in the military? Readers pick from eight different scenarios and experience "next best thing to being there yourself" opportunities for interactive career exploration. Sidebars promote additional learning activities and independent reaserch Glossary of key words; Index.

Careers in the US Coast Guard

Describes career opportunities in the US Coast Guard.

Mighty military robots

"Gives readers a quick look at modern military robots"--.

Gory gladiators, savage centurions, and Caesar’s sticky end

a menacing history of the unruly Romans!
Because the Roman Army was so large, they had to be very serious about punishing those who broke the rules. For disobeying an order, a soldier would get as many as 200 lashes with a whip. And deserters? They were stoned or beaten to death. These penalties sound harsh in today's world, but they can tell readers a lot about life during the Roman Empire! Dreadful deaths and creative killings offer a unique lens through which to examine a major historical period.

U.S. Coast Guard

"An introduction to what the US Coast Guard is, what recruits do, and jobs soldiers could learn. Includes descriptions of missions to rescue a sailor in a storm and directing boat traffic after the 9/11 attacks on New York City"--Provided by publisher.

I want to be a soldier

Discusses what is required to become a soldier.

Disney dons dogtags

the best of Disney military insignia from World War II

Gust Front

Their choice was simple, send their forces to fight and die against a ravening horde, or remain as they were: virtually weaponless and third in line for servicing.

Militarism and global ecology

Presents conflicting viewpoints and commentary concerning global military pollution and its effects on the environment.


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