famous persons

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famous persons

The body factory

from the first prosthetics to the augmented human
"A graphic novel exploring amputation, revealing details about famous amputees throughout history, the invention of the tourniquet, phantom limb syndrome, types of prostheses, and transhumanist technologies"--.

In pursuit of reason

the life of Thomas Jefferson
Presents a concise account of the life of Thomas Jefferson, discussing the private world and public career of the U.S. statesman.
Cover image of In pursuit of reason

Toscanini's fumble

and other tales of clinical neurology

The hypochondriacs

nine tormented lives
Examines the true stories of nine individuals who were terrified of being ill or thinking they were ill, or who created medical conditions to escape societal and familial obligations.

The case of Terri Schiavo

ethics at the end of life
A collection of primary sources, including medical records, court documents, and papal statements, that help explore the ethical controversies that arose during the Terri Schiavo case, in which a young woman's family fought to keep their daughter alive through life support, despite her husband's wishes to stop treatment.
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