

Novels for students

presenting analysis, context, and crticism on commonly studied novels
Each volume provides discussions of the literary and historical background of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes concise synopses of plot, characters and themes, a brief author biography, discussion of the story's cultural and historical significance, and excerpted criticism.

Upton Sinclair

Provides in-depth analysis of the life, works, career, and critical importance of Upton Sinclair.

Lise Meitner

Simple text and illustrations introduce young readers to the life and career of physicist Lise Meitner.

Hidden powers

Lise Meitner's call to science
A biographical novel in verse about Lise Meitner, an Austrian Jew and physics professor in Nazi Germany who escaped to Sweden and whose work led to the discovery of nuclear fission. Includes author's note and timeline.

The woman who split the atom

Lise Meitner
"As a female Jewish physicist in Berlin during the early 20th century, Lise Meitner had to fight for an education, a job, and equal treatment in her field, like having her name listed on her own research papers. Meitner made . . . strides in the study of radiation, but when Hitler came to power in Germany, she suddenly had to face not only sexism, but also life-threatening anti-Semitism as well. Nevertheless, she persevered and one day made a discovery that rocked the world: the splitting of the atom. While her male lab partner was awarded a Nobel Prize for the achievement, the committee refused to give her any credit. Suddenly, the race to build the atomic bomb was on--although Meitner was horrified to be associated with such a weapon. 'A physicist who never lost her humanity,' Meitner wanted only to figure out how the world works, and advocated for pacifism while others called for war"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The woman who split the atom

Hidden powers

Lise Meitner's call to science
A biographical novel in verse about Lise Meitner, an Austrian Jew and physics professor in Nazi Germany who escaped to Sweden and whose work led to the discovery of nuclear fission. Includes author's note and timeline.


how Ir?ne Curie & Lise Meitner revolutionized science and changed the world
Presents the story of two female physicists whose discoveries led to the creation of the atomic bomb.

The jungle

Presents Upton Sinclair's classic novel, which depicts the conditions of the Chicago stockyards through the eyes of a young Lithuanian immigrant struggling in early-twentieth-century America, and includes a historical time line, a theme and plot outline, critical analyses, and other study tools.

The jungle

Presents Upton Sinclair's classic novel, which depicts the conditions of the Chicago stockyards through the eyes of a young Lithuanian immigrant struggling in early-twentieth-century America, and includes a historical time line, a theme and plot outline, critical analyses, and other study tools.
Cover image of The jungle


how Irene Curie and Lise Meitner revolutionized science and changed the world
In 1934, Irene Curie, working with her husband and fellow physicist, Frederic Joliot, made a discovery that forever altered the world: artificial radioactivity. Four years later, Curie's breakthrough led physicist Lise Meitner to the scientific epiphany that unlocked the secret of nuclear fission. Meitner's unique insight was critical to the revolution in science that led to nuclear energy and the race to build the atomic bomb.


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