
Topical Term


A high-interest book for low-reading-level students that provides an overview of the ways people cheat and the consequences for the cheater, for those who do not cheat, and for society.

Doing honest work in college

how to prepare citations, avoid plagiarism, and achieve real academic success
Shows how to cite numerous kinds of sources in the major styles, including MLA, APA, Chicago, and the sciences, and how to avoid plagiarism; covering the three core principles of academic honesty, an anti-plagiarism note-taking system, quoting and paraphrasing, and Internet research.

Frequently asked questions about plagiarism

This book defines plagiarism and discusses types of plagiarizing, how you can avoid plagiarizing, and how you can learn to make clear which words and ideas are yours and which came from your sources.

Stolen words

forays into the origins and ravages of plagiarism

Don't be a copycat!

write a great report without plagiarizing
A reference book for students in grades three and up that explains the steps needed to write a good report and avoid plagiarizing someone else's work.

When Marion copied

learning about plagiarism
Marion and the other students in Mr. Owen's class learn a valuable lesson about plagiarism when their teacher reads several identical student reports all copied from the same Internet source.

Kiss my book

Fifteen-year-old Ruby is on top of the world after having a novel published, but accusations of plagiarism send her into hiding at her eccentric aunt's home in upstate New York, where she gets involved in an old mystery and finds her true self again.

Power chord

Fourteen-year-old Ace starts a band and learns a tough lesson about plagiarism.

Don't steal copyrighted stuff!

avoiding plagiarism and illegal Internet downloading
Offers students practical advice on how they can find information for reports and projects and explains the correct way for citing different types of sources, including books, images, music, and videos, as well as discussing the importance of following copyright rules and protecting their own creative works.


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