scopes, john thomas

scopes, john thomas

The trial of John T. Scopes

a primary source account
Tells the story of the 1925 trial that tested the constitutionality of the law that forbid the teaching of evolution in Tennessee schools, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The great monkey trial

science versus fundamentalism in America
Examines the Scopes trial concerning the teaching of evolution in public schools, its outcome, and the implications for the continuing debate between evolutionists and creationists.

Inherit the wind

Dramatizes the events of the so-called Monkey Trial of 1925, when the state of Tennessee filed suit against high school biology teacher John Scopes for illegally teaching the theory of evolution.

Summer for the gods

the Scopes trial and America's continuing debate over science and religion
Draws from new archival material, as well as historical and legal analysis to examine the many facets of the Scopes trial of 1925 in which the American Civil Liberties Union challenged a controversial Tennessee law banning the teaching of evolution in public schools, and considers the impact of that trial on the continuing debate between religion and science.

The Scopes trial

a photographic history
Presents a photographic history of the trial that ensued when John Thomas Scopes was arrested in Dayton, Tennessee in 1925 for teaching Darwin's theory of natural selection in his public school classroom; and includes background information about the case.

The Scopes trial

the State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes

The Scopes trial

the battle over teaching evolution
Photographs, diagrams, timelines, and first-hand accounts describe the debate over evolution during the famous Scopes Monkey trial of 1925.

Monkey town

a story of the Scopes trial
When her father hatches a plan to bring publicity to their small Tennessee town by arresting a local high school teacher for teaching about evolution, the resulting 1925 Scopes trial prompts fifteen-year-old Frances to rethink many of her beliefs about religion and truth, as well as her relationship with her father.

The Scopes trial

defending the right to teach
Describes through photographs and text the most important dramas ever played out in the United States. The trial dealt with the freedoms of speech and worship, as well as the rights to teach and learn. Discusses evolution and creationism.


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