church history

Geographic Name
church history

Foxe's Book of martyrs

Provides brief biographical profiles of men who gave their life for God and were persecuted because of their beliefs.

The divided states of America?

what liberals and conservatives get wrong about faith and politics
Discusses how both conservatives and liberals can constructively dialogue about the role of God and religion in American society.

The Cathars

the rise and fall of the great heresy
Recounts the story of the Cathars and the myths associated with them.

The Public Universal Friend

Jemima Wilkinson and religious enthusiasm in revolutionary America

Dark days in Salem

the witchcraft trials
"In 1692, a group of girls in Salem Village set off a witchcraft panic that engulfed eastern Massachusetts. As a result, nineteen people were hanged as witches and an old man was killed under torture. Through a recounting of historical events enhanced by photographs and illustrations, readers will examine witchcraft beliefs in Europe and colonial New England. They will examine the factors that influenced the panic in Salem, including why the town and the surrounding communities fell prey to such unbridled terror and why, instead of calling for calm and reason, the authorities also became swept up in the hysteria"--Provided by publisher.


a new kind of revolution
Cover image of Nicaragua


the absolutely true tale of disaster in Salem
An illustrated history of the witch hunts that took place in colonial-era Salem, Massachusetts, featuring primary source accounts, and describing the victims, accused witches, corrupt officials, and impact of the events on society.
Cover image of Witches!

The name of the rose

including the author's postscript
In 1327, finding his sensitive mission at an Italian abbey further complicated by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William of Baskerville turns detective.

Medieval England

Imagine living in the days of castles and knights, lords and ladies, minstrels and troubadours! Medieval life was full of the stuff of legends, but at the same time, the people of the Middle Ages often endured plagues, famine, war, and other hardships. Even during times of peace and prosperity, their days were long and their work was hard. Let's travel back in time to Medieval England where ten-year-old William will show us what daily life was like in a fourteenth-century English city. This Core Curriculum aligned, library bound book is by award winning author Ann Tatlock.

The Catonsville Nine

a story of faith and resistance in the Vietnam Era
On May 17, 1968, a group of Catholic anti-war activists burst into a draft board in suburban Baltimore, stole hundreds of Selective Service records (which they called death certificates) and burned the documents in a fire fueled by homemade napalm. The Catonsville Nine became international news and were defended by radical attorney William Kuntsler in federal court. This book, written by a Catonsville native, offers the first comprehensive account of this key event in the protests against the Vietnam War.


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