tobacco use

Topical Term
tobacco use

Tobacco industry and smoking

Presents a history of the tobacco industry and smoking, looks at laws related to tobacco, features a biographical listing of significant people in the field, and includes a chronology, a glossary, and a guide to further research.

Alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs

Offers high school students comprehensive statistical information on legal and illegal drug use in the United States and their impact on a person's mood and physiology, medical use, political and economic ramifications, treatments, trafficking, and other related topics.

Teen smoking

A collection of articles and essays examining issues surrounding teen smoking, including why teens begin smoking, how tobacco companies target teens, what impact smoking has on teen health, how the government is trying to stop teen smoking, and other related topics.


Provides detailed information on the harmful effects of tobacco on the mind and body.

Making smart choices about cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol

Provides information designed to help young people make smart choices when deciding whether or not to use cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol; discussing options, potential consequences, and opportunities for growth.


Presents a number of questions and answers about the effects of cigarette smoking, why it is bad, how it affects other people, why it is difficult to stop smoking, and more.

Tobacco and smoking

Presents various viewpoints about tobacco and smoking stimulating readers to do further research for group discussion and individual interest.


Provides facts about tobacco use and the addictive nature of nicotine on the mind and body.

Tobacco information for teens

health tips about the hazards of using cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and other nicotine products
Discusses the health risks and physical dangers caused by tobacco for teenagers, examining the cultural influences that lead teens to smoke cigarettes or use tobacco, and providing tips and advice to overcome a nicotine addiction.

Tobacco information for teens

health tips about the hazards of using cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and other nicotine products
Provides basic consumer health information for teens on tobacco use, addictions, and related diseases and medical conditions. Includes a chronology of significant developments related to smoking and health and a list of additional resources.


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