Gaitskill, Mary

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Alison, aging and ill, looks back on her life as a teenage fashion model in Paris and Rome, the crash of her career, and her move to New York where she met and formed a memorable friendship with the remarkable, eccentric Veronica, a woman suffering from AIDS.


Alison, aging and ill, looks back on her life as a teenage fashion model in Paris and Rome, the crash of her career, and her move to New York where she met and formed a memorable friendship with the remarkable, eccentric Veronica, a woman suffering from AIDS.


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Because they wanted to

Shares a collection of stories about people who do not quite know what they want and whose wants conflict with their deeper needs and moral sense of the world.


Alison, aging and ill, looks back on her life as a teenage fashion model in Paris and Rome, the crash of her career, and her move to New York where she met and formed a memorable friendship with the remarkable, eccentric Veronica, a woman suffering from AIDS.
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