
Topical Term

The diary of Anne Frank

A guide to understanding the book.

The Holocaust and "Yad VaShem"; Displaced Persons

A special co-production of Yad VaShem, Israel Film Service, and Doko Video, this painful but vital memoriam traces the history of the Nazism from its earliest roots in Germany of 1918. Captures the horrors of Kristlenacht, Babi Yar, and the monstrous concentration camps, but also the heroism and bravery of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and the Jewish partisans who desperately tried to free their brethern. The film Displaced persons follows the progress of an "illegal" immigrant ship, the SS Fearless, which set out from Italy to Palestine. It speaks with eyewitness officials and surviving immigrants.

Voices and views

a history of the Holocaust
An anthology of readings drawn from the works of eminent scholars which provides a comprehensive history of the Holocaust from the origins of anti-Judaism and antisemitism through the post-Holocaust era.

We were there

Jewish liberators of the Nazi concentration camps
A powerful story of the love and renewal that sprang up between the Jewish G.I. and many of the victims of the camps.

Night and fog

stark portrait of the Nazi death camps
Hailed as one of the world's greatest documentaries, this has been called the definitive film on Nazi concentration camps and a devasting record of man's humanity to man. Brings the horror of the Holocaust to the present.

El nino con el pijama de rayas

Bored and lonely after his family moves from Berlin to a place called "Out-With" in 1942, Bruno, the son of a Nazi officer, befriends a boy in striped pajamas who lives behind a wire fence.

The Warsaw Ghetto and uprising

The German invasion of Poland in 1939 gave the Nazis the opportunity to implement their master plan to eliminate Europe's Jews. Part of the plan encompassed confining the Jews in a restricted area of Warsaw to make their survival difficult, followed by mass transportation of survivors to concentration camps, where they were killed.

La habitacion de arriba

A Dutch Jewish girl describes the two-and-one-half years she spent in hiding in the upstairs bedroom of a farmer's house during World War II.

A Hidden Childhood

During World War II, a young Jewish girl known as F. is transported to a convent school at the Chateau de Beaujeu, France, where her fascination with catechism clouds her identification with her true heritage.

Lest innocent blood be shed

the story of the village of Le Cambon and how gooness happened there
In a small protestant town, Le Chambon, in Southern France, the villagers and clergy joined forces to save thousands of Jewish refugees--despite the presence of the Nazi SS.


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