"In 1483, Edward V (age twelve) and his brother Richard, Duke of York (age nine), disappeared from the Tower of London. History has judged they were murdered on the orders of Richard III. This new book reveals the truth behind the greatest unsolved mystery in English history" --.
Presents the graphic novelization of Shakespeare's drama "Macbeth," in which a man and his ambitious wife plot to kill their king and his heirs, clearing the way for Macbeth to seize the crown of Scotland for himself.
Presents the story of "Macbeth," in which a nobleman and his lady plot to assassinate the King of Scotland, presented in graphic novel form, including biographical data on William Shakespeare and historical timelines of England and Scotland in Shakespeare's time.
After her father is killed for being a traitor, fourteen-year-old Lady Mary, who is a ward of Lord and Lady Macbeth, is sent to the scullery, where she works as a maid and uncovers the couple's secret plans. Includes lines from Shakespeare's play.
In graphic novel format, presents an adaptation of Shakespeare's classic tale about a man who kills his king after hearing the prophesies of three witches.