Chima, Cinda Williams

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The gray wolf throne

Thief-turned-wizard Han Alister joins forces with Raisa ana'Marianna, heir to the Queendom of the Fells, to defend her right to the Gray Wolf Throne.

The exiled queen

Two teenagers, one fleeing from a forced marriage and the other from a dangerous family of wizards, cross paths and fall in love.

The warrior heir

After learning about his magical ancestry and his own warrior powers, sixteen-year-old Jack embarks on a training program to fight enemy wizards.

The wizard heir

Sixteen-year-old Seph McCauley is sent to the Havens, a boys' school in Maine, after being kicked out of several private schools for his untrained magical powers; but his headmaster, Gregory Leicester, has his own mysterious agenda when he agrees to help Seth channel his magic.

The dragon heir

Jason Haley, who feels left out of the action as the Trinity prepares for the attack of the wizards, runs across a powerful talisman made of opal-the Dragonheart-and the guardians take the potential weapon away while Madison Moss, who is slowly losing her power, feels the pull of the stone as well.


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