Compact research. Current issues

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Animal experimentation

Provides information and varying perspectives on the controversial topic of animal experimentation. Features informative text, full-color illustrations, a list of key people and advocacy groups, and source notes.

Assisted suicide

A series of controversial essays that debate the moral and legal issues associated with assisted suicide.

Teen smoking

Explores the prevalence of teens smoking and offers critical perspectives on how this issue has come to pass and what should be done to remedy it.

Drugs and sports

Discusses the problem of drug use among professional and student athletes and debates the issue of legalization of performance-enhancing drugs. Provides information about the health risks of taking drugs and discusses the effectiveness of drug-testing policies. Includes a list of key individuals, advocacy groups and organizations, a chronology depicting the origin and use of steroids, photos, illustrations, and an index.

Gun control

Discusses the various side of the gun control debate.



DNA evidence and investigation

Presents an overview on DNA evidence and investigation including facts, statistics, and quotes. Includes photographs, diagrams, and side-bars.

Genetic testing

Introduces genetic testing, examines the benefits and potential problems associated with it, and discusses the future of testing.


Provides information about gangs, discusses the severity of the problem of gang activity in the U.S., and examines the reasons young people join gangs and whether gang violence can be stopped. Includes a list of key people and advocacy groups, organizations and sources for additional information, a chronology of gang growth from 1890 to 2009, photos and charts, and an index.

Media violence

Provides an overview of issues associated with media violence and contains primary source quotes and statistics on topics, including how media violence affects society, if video games inspire violence, regulations on media violence, and reducing problems attributed to violence in the media.


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