problems, exercises, etc

problems, exercises, etc

Much ado about nothing

A guide to reading and understanding William Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" which includes the complete unabridged text, detailed explanations of difficult words and passages, a synopsis of the plot, summaries of individual scenes, and notes on the main characters.
Cover image of Much ado about nothing


Presents thirty creative and comprehension activities designed to teach William Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" and includes six culminating activities and a final test.
Cover image of Hamlet

King Lear

An edition of Shakespeare's tragedy, including discussion of its plot, themes, characters, language, production, and author.
Cover image of King Lear

Romeo and Juliet

Presents the original text, side-by-side with an English translation, of Shakespeare's tragedy about Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, two young people from noble Veronese houses whose love for one another is doomed by the long-standing feud between their families, and includes a time line, discussion questions, and background material.
Cover image of Romeo and Juliet

Laura Ingalls Wilder

activities based on research from the Laura Ingalls Wilder Homes and Museums
This book extends the world of Laura Ingalls Wilder beyond the pages of the "Little house" books by using seldom-seen family photographs, maps, original manuscript pages, quotes and artifacts as the basis for hands-on classroom activities.

The 17 indisputable laws of teamwork workbook

embrace them and empower your team
Presents a workbook with examples and exercises for putting author John C. Maxwell's teamwork principles into practice.

Reading Hamlet

A guide for high school students studying the classic Shakespearean tragedy, Hamlet.

Arthur Miller's The crucible

Presents a study guide to Arthur Miller's drama "The Crucible, " featuring a profile of the playwright, background information, a summary of the action, and a character list, summary, analysis, study questions, and suggested essay topics for each scene.

The self matters companion

helping you create your life from the inside out
A companion guide to Dr. Phil McGraw's "Self Matters, " featuring a selection of interactive exercises readers may use in a quest to separate their authentic selves from the "fictional" selves created by life's fears and confusion.

Discovering Shakespeare: The taming of the shrew

a workbook for students and teachers
Presents an abridged version of Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew, discussing the play's language, characters, plot, and how to stage a school production.
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