Star trek, the next generation. Starfleet academy

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The haunted starship

Geordi La Forge, chosen to join the training vessel "Benjamin Franklin" as assistant engineer, runs into difficulty when he tells Commander Sanchez that he has seen the ghost of the starship's first commander, Ike Ikushima, who died after saving his crew from disaster.


Deanna Troi, a Betazoid empath, decides to take the final freshman Borocco-Kai exam early to prove to her mother and herself that she has what it takes for a career in Starfleet.


Cadet Worf and his friends are stranded on the remote planet of Dantar and must face a mysterious and dangerous alien warrior.

Capture the flag

When Geordi defeats Jack Pettey's top-ranked team during a game at the Academy, Pettey vows to seek revenge on the blind cadet's team during some challenging training exercises on the uninhabited planet Saffair.

Line of fire

Mysterious space raiders threaten the joint Federation-Klingon colony, pitting the two sides against each other. Worf and his fellow first year cadets observe negotiations, but find themselves in the middle of the dispute.

Worf's first adventure

A routine trip to a training satellite turns into an unexpected disaster, and Worf must unite the cadets of Starfleet Academy and risk his life before a terrible accident destroys the mission.
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