stuyvesant, peter

stuyvesant, peter

The island at the center of the world

the epic story of Dutch Manhattan and the forgotten colony that shaped America
Draws on centuries-old letters, court cases, legal contracts, and reports to trace the history of the Dutch colony centered on Manhattan that predated the original thirteen colonies.

The island at the center of the world

the epic story of Dutch Manhattan and the forgotten colony that shaped America

Alfie and me and the ghost of Peter Stuyvesant

Billy's encounter with the ghost of Peter Stuyvesant leads to a sensational treasure find in the heart of Times Square.

The island at the center of the world

the epic story of Dutch Manhattan and the forgotten colony that shaped America
Examines the Dutch Colony on Manhattan Island which exists prior to the original thirteen colonies in America, and includes important colonists, Native Americans, and a variety of events.

The Dutch in New Amsterdam

A simple introduction to the history of New Amsterdam, from its establishment by the Dutch until its conquest by the English in 1664.

The Dutch & New Amsterdam

Discover what life was like in early New York when the city was an impoverished Dutch settlement. The young host learns of the exploits of Henry Hudson and Peter Stuyvesant.

Peter Stuyvesant

Dutch military leader
A biography of the hot-tempered leader who, though intolerant and unpopular, brought major reforms to the colony of New Netherlands before its surrender to the British in 1664.

The Dutch & New Amsterdam

Discover what life was like in early New York when the city was an impoverished Dutch settlement. The young host learns of the exploits of Henry Hudson and Peter Stuyvesant.

The life and times of Peter Stuyvesant

A brief biography of Peter Stuyvesant, who became the last Director-General of New Netherland between 1647 and 1664 when New Amsterdam was captured by the British.


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