antietam, battle of, md., 1862

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antietam, battle of, md., 1862

Ohio at Antietam

the Buckeye State's sacrifice on America's bloodiest day
"Among the thousands who fought in the pivotal Battle of Antietam were scores of Ohioans. Sending eleven regiments and two batteries to the fight, the Buckeye State lost hundreds during the Maryland Campaign's first engagement, South Mountain, and hundreds more "gave their last full measure of devotion" at the Cornfield, the Bloody Lane and Burnside's Bridge. Many of these brave men are buried at the Antietam National Cemetery. Aged veterans who survived the ferocious contest returned to Antietam in the early 1900s to fight for and preserve the memory of their sacrifices all those years earlier. Join Kevin Pawlak and Dan Welch as they explore Ohio's role during those crucial hours on September 17, 1862"--Back cover.

A fierce glory

Antietam--the desperate battle that saved Lincoln and doomed slavery
"On September 17, 1862, the United States was on the brink, facing a permanent split into two separate nations. America's very future hung on the outcome of a single battle--and the result reverberates to this day"--Amazon.

The Battle of Antietam

Examines the events of the Civil War battle at Antietam, Maryland, in 1862.

The Battle of Antietam

"the bloodiest day of battle"
Presents a brief depiction of the Civil War battle near Antietam Creek in Sharpsburg, Maryland, in September 1862; and describes major Union and Confederate generals as well as details of the fight.

Civil War combat

Uses analysis from historians and National Park Service rangers and quotations from eyewitnesses and reenactors to give a detailed account of four of the Civil War's most pivotal and bloody battles: Gettysburg, Antietam, Shiloh, and Cold Harbor.

At the Battle of Antietam

an interactive battlefield adventure
"This book explores various perspectives surrounding the Battle of Antietam in the Civil War. Readers are immersed in the action as their choices guide the narrative"--Provided by publisher.


history and legend
Antietam etched such names as Bloody Lane and Burnside's Bridge into the pages of American history. It was a critical battle that halted the Confederacy's 1862 invasion of the Union during the Civil War and led to the issuing of The Emancipation Proclamation. Today, the site of one of the most vicious battles of that brutal war, the ground over which great armies of soldiers once fought and died, is quiet and peaceful. Or is it? Reports persist of strange sights and sounds occurring on the battlefield - of eerie things that nobody can explain. As darkness slowly falls on the battlefield, and shadows creep across the ground, the sound of crickets chirping and owls hooting fills the air across the Antietam Battlefield. Maybe - just maybe - something else is lurking there as well.

Civil War combat

Uses analysis by historians and rangers from the National Park Service, quotations from eyewitnesses and reenactors to give a detailed account of four of the Civil War's most pivotal and bloody battles: Gettysburg, Antietam, Shiloh, and Cold Harbor.


the girl with the hero's heart


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