Gallant, Roy A

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Beyond Earth

the search for extraterrestrial life
Discusses man's search for life on other worlds from ancient to modern times; explains the chemical-biological processes through which life originates and how it changes through time; and includes excerpts of science fiction tales on extraterrestrial life.

Explorers of the atom

Traces the development of the atomic theory and discusses the various uses and misuses of atomic energy.

From living cells to dinosaurs

Discusses the changes that took place on land and in plants and animals, from the Precambrian to the Mesozoic era, when dinosaurs reached their peak.

Lost cities

Examines certain lost cities, describing how they were destroyed or abandoned and how they were rediscovered.


Describes the processes of fossilization and evolution and demonstrates how fossils can tell us about our past and the changes in Earth's composition.

How life began

creation versus evolution
Surveys various myths and scientific hypotheses concerning the origin of the physical universe and of life on the planet Earth.

Fires in the sky

the birth and death of stars
Discusses the characteristics of stars using the sun as an example, examining the composition of the sun, various theories about its energy production, differences among stars, and the birth and death of stars.

National Geographic picture atlas of our universe

Text, photographs, paintings, and maps explore the history of astronomy, the solar system, the universe, and new space discoveries.

Man must speak

Describes ways animals communicate and discusses theories on the origin and evolution of speech, languages, and writings. Also traces the history of the English language.

Charles Darwin

A biography of the nineteenth-century English scientist whose publication The Origin of the Species greatly influenced scientific thinking.


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