missouri river valley

Geographic Name
missouri river valley

On the way home

the diary of a trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri, in 1894
Describes the sights and events a frontier family encounters travelling from South Dakota to the Ozarks.

Down the Mighty Mississippi

Guided Reading series for grade 3.

Before Lewis and Clark

the story of the Chouteaus, the French dynasty that ruled America's frontier
Explores the American wilderness before the journey of Lewis and Clark during the land's ownership by the French.

Big Muddy blues

true tales and twisted politics along Lewis and Clark's Missouri River
Describes the conflicts between farmers, barge operators, and real estate developers with environmentalists and recreational interests along the Mississippi River. Also contains stories about memorable persons, endangered wildlife, and the betrayal of Native American tribes.

On the way home

the diary of a trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri, in 1894
Describes the sights and events Laura Ingalls Wilder and her family encounter travelling from South Dakota to the Ozarks in 1894.

Passage of discovery

the American Rivers guide to the Missouri River of Lewis and Clark
The author presents an account of his experiences while retracing the historic Missouri River passage taken by explorers Lewis and Clark in 1804-1806 in search of an all-water route to the Pacific Ocean.

An Indian winter

Relates the experiences of a German prince, his servant, and a young Swiss artist as they traveled through the Missouri River Valley in 1833 learning about the territory and its inhabitants and recording their impressions in words and pictures.
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