

Washington Monument

Text and illustrations explore the Washington Monument and discuss its historical significance.
Cover image of Washington Monument

George Washington y la Guerra Revolucionaria

Explains how the Revolutionary War began, describes George Washington's leadership of the Continental Army, and discusses the war's end.
Cover image of George Washington y la Guerra Revolucionaria

Remember Valley Forge

patriots, Tories, and redcoats tell their stories
Combines letters, journal entries, reports, photographs, and maps to examine the Battle of Valley Forge from multiple perspectives, including those of a teenage soldier, a doctor, a farmer, and a spy.
Cover image of Remember Valley Forge

Mount Vernon revisited

Archival photographs and text describe the history, buildings, social life and customs of MountVernon, Virginia.
Cover image of Mount Vernon revisited

George Washington

a life in books
"Revered as a general and trusted as America's first elected leader, George Washington is considered a great many things in the contemporary imagination, but an intellectual is not one of them. In correcting this longstanding misconception, ... offers a stimulating literary biography that traces the effects of a life spent in self-improvement"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of George Washington

The life of a colonial soldier

The life of a colonial soldier was not a glamorous one, but it was a position held with a lot of pride. Readers will learn how men of all ages fought and died to help our country win its independence from the British. The graphica format will make this book hard to keep on the shelves.
Cover image of The life of a colonial soldier

Martha Washington

loyal public servant
Traces the life of Martha Washington, the wife of the first president of the United States, from her childhood in Virginia through her marriage to George Washington to her role in the American Revolution and the early years of the new country.
Cover image of Martha Washington

The life of George Washington

Profiles the life of George Washington the first president of the United States.
Cover image of The life of George Washington

Young Washington

how wilderness and war forged America's founding father
A biography of George Washington, focusing on how the American frontier shaped his military career and his presidency.
Cover image of Young Washington


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