
Geographic Name

The life of Henry V

New Folger library edition of Shakespeare's play.

The taming of the shrew

Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, discusses the author and the theater of his time, and provides quizzes and other study activities.


Presents the full text of Shakespeare's "Hamlet", with side-by-side translations on facing pages to help readers better understand the play, as well as critical commentary.

Cyrano de Bergerac

a heroic comedy in five acts
A translation of the French drama set in seventeenth-century France telling of Cyrano de Bergerac's secret love for Roxane.



Molly Pitcher

Presents a Reader's Theater tall tale describing the efforts of Molly Hays, also known as Molly Pitcher, during the Revolutionary War. Includes reading tips, a poem, a glossary, and the lyrics of "The Star-Spangled Banner.".
Cover image of Molly Pitcher

Immigration for a better life

Presents a children's play about the struggles, hardships, and tragedies of two immigrant families from their arrival at Ellis Island in 1914 until they become United States citizens five years later. Includes a glossary, related song and poem, and tips for rehearsing and performing the play.
Cover image of Immigration for a better life


starting a new life
Presents an introduction to immigration in a readers' theater format.
Cover image of Immigration

Civil rights freedom riders

Provides a script in which two African American students decide to join the Freedom Riders to protest the Jim Crow laws. When the Freedom Riders are beaten by angry mobs in the streets, the governor and the attorney general are forced to get involved. Includes a poem, a song, and a glossary of terms.
Cover image of Civil rights freedom riders

Henry IV

Presents part one of William Shakespeare's classic play "Henry IV," and contains detailed explanations of words and passages, plot and scene summaries, character analysis, a chronology of Shakespeare's life and times, and more.
Cover image of Henry IV


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