The Everyday life of

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A medieval monk

Describes a year in the life of the monks living in the great monastery of Cluny in medieval France, as seen through the eyes of a young boy who has just joined the monastic order.

An Egyptian craftsman

Presents a story depicting life in Egypt more than 1000 years before Christ, focusing on the family of a scribe.

A Florentine merchant

Presents a story of a rich merchant, Francesco Datini, and his household in northern Italy in the late fourteenth century, seen from the viewpoint of a slave, depicting the merchant's life in the town of Prato and his work in nearby Florence.

A German printer

Describes the day-to-day life and work of a fifteenth-century printer in Nuremberg, Germany, as seen through the eyes of his twelve-year-old son.

A Roman soldier

Presents the story of a young auxiliary soldier at a fortress on Hadrian's Wall, depicting life in the Roman Army in the third century A.D.

A Greek potter

Observes a potter and his family living in Athens in 420 B.C., a time of the Olympics, a great festival to Athena, and the construction of many temples, and describes the potter at work making and decorating pots. Includes illustrations of tools and equipment he and his family might have used in their daily lives.
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