prisoners and prisons

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prisoners and prisons

Born survivors

three young mothers and their extraordinary story of courage, defiance, and hope
Relates the true account of three pregnant women who met in Auschwitz, where they concealed their pregnancies from infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele and fought for their survival as well as the survival of their newborns as they embarked on a treacherous journey to freedom.

Is anybody listening?

a true story about the POW/MIAs in the Vietnam War
Barbara Birchim recounts her quest for answers about her husband, a Special Forces officer who went missing in action in Vietnam in 1968, describing her trips to Southeast Asia, her interactions with the U.S. government and military, and her emotional torment over not knowing her husband's fate.

Unbroken =

(Inquebrantable) : una historia de supervivencia, fortaleza y redenci?n duranta la Segunda Guerra Mundial
A biography of Olympic runner and World War II bombardier, Louis Zamperini, who had been rambunctious in childhood before succeeding in track and eventually serving in the military, which led to a trial in which he was forced to find a way to survive in the open ocean after being shot down.

Zero Night

the untold story of World War two's greatest escape
Presents the true story of the Allied WWII POWs of Oflag VI-B prison camp and their Operation Olympia, in which they disguised ladders as bookshelves then used them to go over the camp's fence.

Dance of the banished

Anatolian lovers Ali and Zeynep are separated when Ali makes his way to Canada only to be put in an internment camp when World War I starts. Meanwhile, Zeynep tries to survive the Armenien Genocide and find Ali.

Once a Hussar

a memoir of battle, capture and escape in the World War II
A memoir of Ray Ellis, a former British artilleryman recounting his experiences in World War II as part of the Hussars, a unit characterized by rotten food, guns too old to function, chaos and disorganization, and squalid facilities amidst desert fighting in Egypt during a nine-month siege. Ellis was then captured by the Germans and held as a prisoner of war before he escaped to Italy.

Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Treblinka

the Holocaust camps
Describes the establishment of Nazi concentration camps throughout Europe and their eventual use as a means of eliminating the Jews.

Jewish resistance against the Holocaust

The Holocaust's atrocities and losses are foremost in most people's minds, but this volume highlights the Jews who summoned the courage to stand up and fight. This compelling volume gives a history leading up to Holocaust and the terror inflicted by the Nazis during World War II.

Hero found

the greatest POW escape of the Vietnam War
The true story of how Dieter Dengler, a US Navy pilot, led a daring mass escape from a prison camp in the Laotian jungle during the Vietnam War.

The end

On August 15, 1953, the day of the Feast of Assumption--held in Elephant Park, Ohio--Rocco LaGrassa learns of his son's death while being held in a POW camp in Korea, and after catastrophic events at the festival decides to leave Elephant Park to seek out the family that abandoned him long ago.


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