Somos latinos

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Mi escuela =

My school
Christopher, a fifth-grade student whose father came from El Salvador and mother from Guatemala, describes some of the things he and his friends do in school. Presented in English and Spanish.

Mi m?sica =

My music
Contains an introduction to the music of Latin America, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on its instruments, sounds, and musical traditions, including mariachis, flamenco, salsa, and more. Presented in English and Spanish.

Mis quehaceres =

My chores
Contains an introduction to the different chores children do in Latin America, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on how they help their family by cleaning their rooms, feeding the pets, and washing dishes. Presented in English and Spanish.

Mi casa =

My house
Araceli tells about her life in Oregon, and introduces the members of her family which include three sisters, a brother, and her parents who worked hard to realize their dream of moving from Mexico to the U.S. and buying a ranch. Presented in English and Spanish.

Mis juegos =

My games
Contains an introduction to the different games and sports children play in the United States and Latin America, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on basketball, kick the can, Loteria, jump rope, and more. Presented in Spanish and English.

Mis comidas =

My foods
Contains an introduction to the different foods of Latin America, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on how they are prepared and when they are eaten, including biscuits, tacos, breads, and more. Presented in English and Spanish.

Mi m?usica =

My music
Contains an introduction to the music of Latin America, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on its instruments, sounds, and musical traditions, including mariachis, flamenco, salsa, and more. Presented in English and Spanish.

Mis fiestas =

My celebrations
Contains an introduction to the different festivals and celebrations of Latin America, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on Three Kings Day, Day of the Dead, Independence Day, and Christmas, describing each tradition. Presented in English and Spanish.

Mis bailes =

My dances
Presents photographs and text in both English and Spanish that describes Latin American folk dancing.

Mi familia =

My family
Camila, a young girl, describes her life in Miami with her Cuban mother and Puerto Rican father, and introduces the members of her extended family who have come to her home for her little brother's birthday party. Presented in English and Spanish.


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