Asch, Frank

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Just like daddy

A very young bear describes all the activities he does during the day that are just like his daddy's.


Bear fulfills his dream of dancing with the moon.


Bear wants to taste the moon.


When he sees a rainbow for the first time, Bear thinks that the sky is on fire and he is determined to put out the skyfire.


Bear builds a rocket to take him to the moon so he can taste it.


Bear builds a rocket to take him to the moon so he can taste it.

Bon anniversaire la Lune =

Sand cake

a Frank Asch bear story PB
Papa Bear uses his culinary skills and a little imagination to concoct a sand cake.
Cover image of Sand cake


During a game of hide-and-seek, Moon hides behind a cloud, leaving his friend Bear very worried.
Cover image of Moongame

Moonbear's sunrise

When Bear tries to see the sunrise but always oversleeps, Little Bird makes a suggestion.
Cover image of Moonbear's sunrise


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