Asch, Frank

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Happy birthday, moon

When a bear discovers that the moon shares his birthday, he buys the moon a beautiful hat as a present.

The sun is my favorite star

Celebrates a child's love of the sun and the wondrous ways in which it helps the earth and the life upon it.

Happy birthday, Big Bad Wolf

The Pig family tries to confuse the Big Bad Wolf by throwing him a surprise birthday party, but it is not actually Wolf's birthday and the scheme might not be enough to keep the pigs from becoming Wolf's main course.

The flower faerie

The Emperor's son comes to the aid of a Faerie whom the Emperor has captured and placed in a display case.

Turtle tale

A young turtle learns how to be a wise old turtle, with a few hard knocks along the way.

Dear brother

Joey and Marvin stay up all night reading a collection of family letters that they found in the attic.

Class pets

the ghost of P.S. 42
Molly and her brother Jake are two mice in search of the perfect home when they enter P.S. #42, but they soon discover that the school has as many dangers as wonders--including the ghost of a class pet.

Moon Bear

Worried that the moon is growing smaller each night, Bear decides to do something about it.

Up river

As they spend the day helping to clean up Otter Creek, two friends learn about the different animals that live there.

Hands around Lincoln School

When sixth grader Lindsay creates the Save the Earth Club at school, her radical methods of enlightening the student body jeopardizes her friendship with best friend Amy.


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