In 1940, after traveling from their country village to Mexico City to find their mother, fourteen-year-old Maria and her younger brother Victor are befriended by the artist Frida Kahlo and the talking animals and household objects that inhabit her home.
Presents a fictionalized account of the tumultuous marriage between artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera as seen through the eyes of Frida's sister, Cristina.
Chronicles the life of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo from her childhood near Mexico City during the Mexican Revolution to her association with the Communist party.
Contains color reproductions of over seventy-five works from the Jacques and Natasha Galman Collection of twentieth-century Mexican art; and includes introductory essays, as well as profiles of featured artists.
"These books provide a historical overview of the development of different types of art and artistic movements; explore the roots and influences of the genre; discuss the pioneers of the art and consider the changes the genre has undergone"--.
Introduces the life of the world-famous Mexican artist who overcame polio, injuries from a near-fatal bus accident, a tempestuous marriage to Diego Rivera, and other difficulties.