Eastman, P. D

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The big blue book of beginner books

A collection of six Beginner Books, including P.D. Eastman's "Are You My Mother?" and Mike McClintock's "A Fly Went By.".

Big dog-- little dog

Two dogs are opposite in every way but are the very best of friends.

Sam and the firefly

Sam, an owl, meets Gus, a firefly who does skywriting at night and uses his talents to play tricks.

Flap your wings

When Mr. and Mrs. Bird discover a strange egg in their nest they decide to try and hatch it.

Eres tu mi mama?

While out getting food for her baby who was about to hatch, a mother bird misses his arrival, so he goes looking for her.

Go, Dog, Go!

Mr. and Mrs. Bird search for a place to build a new nest only to discover their old one is better.

Perro grande-- perro peque?o

un cuento de las buenas noches = Big dog-- little dog : a bedtime story
Two dogs are opposite in every way, but are the very best of friends. Presented in English and Spanish.

Corre, perro, corre!

Presents a children's story for young readers that describes big dogs and little dogs enjoying every activity imaginable including swimming, driving, having a party in a tree, playing baseball, and much more.

Big dog-- little dog

a bedtime story
Dog friends Ted and Fred, opposite in every way, find a simple solution to a big problem.


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