cartoons and comics

Geographic Name
cartoons and comics

America becomes a world power

A graphic exploration of significant people and events in U.S. history between the years 1890 and 1930, including the Spanish-American War and World War I.
Cover image of America becomes a world power

Americans move westward

Captioned illustrations highlight important events ranging from the Louisiana Purchase to the time when the Oregon territory became American land.
Cover image of Americans move westward

The Civil War

Captioned illustrations highlight significant events surrounding the American Civil War.
Cover image of The Civil War

The creation of the U.S. Constitution

In graphic novel format, tells the story of the debates, disagreements, and compromises that led to the formation of the U.S. Constitution during 1787.
Cover image of The creation of the U.S. Constitution

Francisco Va?squez de Coronado

Presents in graphic novel a brief biography of Spanish explorer and conquistador, Francisco Va?squez de Coronado.
Cover image of Francisco Va?squez de Coronado

The Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire

Tells the story of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company from the strike to the fire that forever changed Labor laws and safety regulation in American business.
Cover image of The Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire

Henry Hudson

In graphic novel format describes the adventures of the seventeenth-century English explorer, from his search for a short route from Europe to the Orient to his mysterious disappearance after members of his crew mutinied.
Cover image of Henry Hudson

Everyday life in ancient Greece

Describes, in graphic novel format, the everyday life of the people in Athens in ancient Greece.
Cover image of Everyday life in ancient Greece

The first Thanksgiving

Describes, in graphic novel format, the Pilgrims' arrival in Plymouth Bay, Massachusetts, their struggles to survive, their friendship with the Wampanoag Indians, and the celebration they shared with the Wampanoags when the worst of their struggles were over, which is known as the first Thanksgiving.
Cover image of The first Thanksgiving

Alexander Hamilton

Briefly presents, in graphic novel format, the life and career of Alexander Hamilton.
Cover image of Alexander Hamilton


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