
Topical Term

Cosas que me gustan

A young chimp enumerates favorite playtime activities, from painting and riding a bike to paddling in the sea and partying with friends.
Cover image of Cosas que me gustan

The big, big wall =

no puedo bajar
Humpty Dumpty's friends help him avoid a big, big fall.
Cover image of The big, big wall =

El autobu s ma gico

en tiempos de los dinosaurios
Senorita Carola, using the magic school bus, takes her class back in time to see the dinosaurs firsthand.
Cover image of El autobu  s ma  gico

Vivimos en un pueblo =

We live in a small town
Life in a small town is similar to life in a city, discover the differences and similarities as you explore what it's like to call a small town home.
Cover image of Vivimos en un pueblo =

Que hacen los carteros? =

What do mail carriers do?
Introduces what mail carriers do while on the job.
Cover image of Que hacen los carteros? =

Perder a un ser querido

Looks at the grief process, and discusses how kids can cope with loss.
Cover image of Perder a un ser querido

Muevete =

Get up and go
Simple text and bright illustrations describe ways to exercise to stay healthy and strong.
Cover image of Muevete =

Encuentro en el Artico

Artemis is at boarding school in Ireland, when he suddenly receives an urgent video e-mail from Russia.
Cover image of Encuentro en el Artico

Dia de los veteranos

Introduces Veterans Day, including the role of the military and why people honor those who served, why the holiday is important, and how it is celebrated today.
Cover image of Dia de los veteranos

Dia de las elecciones

Explains what happens on Election Day, focusing on how a child would experience the celebration and looking at the season and the main features of the holiday.
Cover image of Dia de las elecciones


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