Fun fact file. Bugs!

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20 fun facts about spiders

Contains twenty facts about spiders, covering physical characteristics, how they hunt for prey, habitat, and more.

20 fun facts about beetles

Presents an illustrated introduction to beetles.

20 fun facts about centipedes

Presents an illustrated introduction to centipedes.

20 fun facts about dragonflies

An introduction to dragonflies, including how fast they fly, what they eat, and how baby dragonflies survive underwater.

20 fun facts about stick bugs

Contains twenty facts about praying stick bugs, covering physical characteristics, how they hunt for prey, habitat, and more.

20 fun facts about spiders

Contains twenty facts about spiders, covering physical characteristics, how they hunt for prey, habitat, and more.

20 fun facts about praying mantises

An introduction to the praying mantis, including fun facts and their natural habitats.
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