Rey, Margret

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Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George feeds the animals

Curious George gets in trouble by feeding the animals at the zoo, but when a parrot escapes from the rainforest exhibit he is able to save the day.

Curious George and the pizza

Curious George creates havoc in a pizza shop but redeems himself by making an unusual delivery.

Curious George and the dinosaur

Curious George visits a museum with a class of school children and causes much excitement by climbing up onto a dinosaur skeleton.

Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George visits the library =

Jorge el curioso va a la biblioteca
Curious George goes to the library to get his own library card so he can check out his own books.

Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George and the firefighters =

Jorge el curioso y los bomberos
While on a field trip to a fire station with Mrs. Gray's class, Curious George goes off on his own and is soon at the scene of a fire, where he finds a way to be helpful.

Jorge el Curioso en el hospital

A curious monkey goes to the hospital after swallowing a piece of jigsaw puzzle.

Curious George visits the zoo

Curious George visits the zoo and manages to both cause trouble and make up for it in his inimitable fashion.

Curious George at the beach

Curious George's natural agility gives him an unfair advantage when he joins a volleyball game at the beach, but it also helps him rescue a little boy who almost falls off a pier.

Curious George flies a kite

A little monkey needs to be rescued when he tries to fly a kite.

Jorge el curioso vuela una cometa

A little monkey needs to be rescued when he tries to fly a kite.


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