children's writings

Topical Term
children's writings

The case of the crooked candles

Detective Dog and his animal assistants help keep their small New Jersey town safe from crime by tracking down some pesky thieves.

My first American friend

A young Chinese girl beginning a new life in America describes how her difficult adjustment was made more endurable when she made her first American friend.

Christmas in Catland

Tilly and Minnie help the family get ready for Christmas and make secret wishes for the presents they want.

Come and play

children of our world having fun
A collection of "word riffs" written by students as they express in words what they see in a number of photographs of children around the world playing.

The mystery of the treasure map

When his family's house is being remodeled, nine-year-old Joshua discovers a series of clues that promise to lead him to a treasure.

A knock at the door

Although they don't know anything about her, a farmer and his wife take in a secretive, starving young woman and allow her to hide on their isolated farm when the Nazis come looking for her. Based on the experiences of the author's grandmother.

I will sing life

voices from the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp
Seven children with life-threatening illnesses share their perspectives on life.

Why buffalo roam

A desperate Indian begs the Spirit for food for his hungry people; and after offering his most precious possession as a sacrifice, his people are rewarded with the buffalo, which they have treated with reverence ever since.

My first spring

On a walk one spring day, a ten-year-old boy discovers a variety of living things in the forest near his home.

Joey's birthday wish

Joey gains a new appreciation of his home and belongings after he sees first-hand what life is like for the homeless.


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