mystery fiction

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mystery fiction

The puzzle of the pretty pink handkerchief

When he finds a clue to a mystery in his tree house, Todd enlists the help of his third-grade classmates to identify the trespasser who had left it there.

Young Cam Jansen and the Double Beach mystery

Cam uses her photographic memory and her brain to solve two mysteries at the beach, involving a missing mother and a missing set of papers.

Cam Jansen and the scary snake mystery

Cam investigates when a thief steals her mother's video camera and a tape containing footage of a big scary snake.

Nate the Great and the tardy tortoise

As more and more of his flowers display the bite marks of a wandering tortoise, Nate sets out to uncover the mystery of the reptile's origins.

Young Cam Jansen and the library mystery

Cam uses her photographic memory to find a shopping list that her dad lost at the library.

Young Cam Jansen and the dinosaur game

When fifth-grader Cam Jansen and her friend Eric go to a birthday party, she uses her photographic memory to solve the puzzle of the dinosaur count.

The hidden harbor mystery

Despite attempts against their lives, Frank and Joe accept a case involving the most powerful man in a small town in Georgia and an allegation of piracy and smuggling.

Nate the Great saves the King of Sweden

As Nate the Great sets to work on his first international case, he searches for a lost "something" and saves the King of Sweden from a troublesome traveler.

Penalty shot

Jeff, already worried about losing his place on the hockey team because of low grades, suddenly finds himself the victim of sabotage in the form of forged papers.

Encyclopedia Brown tracks them down

ten all-new mysteries
Encyclopedia Brown, boy detective, solves ten more mysteries. The solutions are given at the end of the book.


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