
Topical Term

Prince Caspian

the return to Narnia
In this second Chronicle of Narnia, Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy help Prince Caspian organize his army of Talking Beasts to fight against an evil king who has taken control of Narnia.

The blue sword

Harry, bored with her sheltered life in the remote orange-growing colony of Daria, discovers magic in herself when she is kidnapped by a native king with mysterious powers.

The trumpet of the swan

Knowing how to read and write is not enough for Louis, a voiceless Trumpeter Swan; his determination to learn to play a stolen trumpet takes him far from his wilderness home.

A picture for Harold's room

a purple crayon adventure
Harold picks up his purple crayon to create a picture for his room and draws himself into another adventure.

The borrowers afloat

Pod, Homily, and Arietty, the six-inch high people, go down the drain in a soap box on their way to the model village, where borrowing should be more profitable.

Rowan of Rin

Because only he can read the magical map, young, weak and timid Rowan joins six other villagers to climb a mountain and try to restore their water supply, as fears of a dragon and other horrors threaten to drive them back.

Rowan and the Zebak

After a flying lizard carries off his little sister, Rowan of Rin and three companions are guided by a rhyming riddle on a journey to the land of their old enemy, the Zebak, in order to rescue her.

Rowan and the ice creepers

When a bitter winter threatens starvation to the people of Rin who set out for the coast, Rowan and several others stay behind for various reasons and are led to a startling discovery about their people's past.


When the peaceful life of ancient Redwall Abbey is shattered by the arrival of the evil rat Cluny and his villainous hordes, Matthias, a young mouse, determines to find the legendary sword of Martin the Warrior which, he is convinced, will help Redwall's inhabitants destroy the enemy.

The extraordinary adventures of ordinary Basil

Twelve-year-old Basil meets an eccentric professor with a flying boat and sets off on a journey into the clouds, where they find a floating city filled with otherworldly inventions and ideas.


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