Lang, Andrew

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The Arabian nights

A collection of twenty-six tales told by Scheherazade to save herself and other young girls from death at the Sultan's hands.
Cover image of The Arabian nights

The red fairy book

Thirty-seven favorite fairy tales from the folklore of France, Germany, Russia and Scandinavia.

A tale of Fairyland

The King and Queen of the country next to Fairyland long for a child and are finally blessed with a daughter, the Princess Niente.

The orange fairy book

King Arthur

A retelling of the exploits of King Arthur and his knights at the court of Camelot and elsewhere in the land of the Britons.

The blue fairy book

A collection of popular fairy tales..

Arabian nights

Twenty of the traditional tales told by Scheherazade in an attempt to save her life, including The Merchant and the Genie, The Forty Thieves, The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor, and Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp.

Arabian nights

Twenty of the traditional tales told by Scheherazade in an attempt to save her life, including The Merchant and the Genie, The Forty Thieves, The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor, and Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp.

Tales of Troy and Greece

Arabian Nights


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