lin, maya ying

lin, maya ying

A rift in the Earth

art, memory, and the fight for a Vietnam War memorial
Discusses the history of the creation of the Vietnam War memorial.

Maya Lin

A short biography of Asian American architect and artist Maya Lin.

This little trailblazer

a girl power primer
Provides brief facts about the lives of significant women, such as Florence Nightingale, Maria Tallchief, Ruby Bridges, and Malala Yousafzai.
Cover image of This little trailblazer

Maya Lin

systematic landscapes
Examines the work of artist Maya Lin, designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., discussing how she is influenced by geologic phenomena and topography, and including photographs and drawings.
Cover image of Maya Lin

Americans of character

Designed to build critical thinking and cooperative learning skills. Students explore ten important incidents in the lives of five historically significant Americans.
Cover image of Americans of character

Maya Lin

thinking with her hands
This biography of Maya Lin recounts her struggle to stick with her vision of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC, to the works she has since created.
Cover image of Maya Lin

Maya Lin

artist and architect
Readers will be fascinated by the story of this creative young artist from her cultural background to the biodiversity of our planet.

Maya Lin

artist-architect of light and lines
"[Presents the] story of Maya Lin, the artist-architect who designed the Vietnam War Memorial"-- Provided by publisher.

Maya Lin

Offers a brief introduction to the life of architect Maya Lin, who designed the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C.

Maya Lin

A biography of Maya Lin, the Asian-American woman who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.


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