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Authors & Artists for Young Adults Vol. 8

Includes Vivien Alcock, Sue Ellen Bridgers, Bruce Brooks, Alice Childress, Pat Conroy, Jim Davis, Leon Garfield, Jean Craighead George, Matt Groening, Ron Howard, John Irving, Bob Kane, Maxine Hong Kingston, Margaret Hahy, Milton Meltzer, Nicholasa Mohr, Ouida Sebestyen, Steven Spielberg, Mary Stolz, Maia Wojciechowska, Tom Wolfe, Patricia C. Wrede.
Cover image of Authors & Artists for Young Adults Vol. 8

The military 100

a ranking of the most influential military leaders of all time
Biographical sketches addressing the lives and accomplishments of some of the world's most influential leaders looking at their impact on history and the effect of their actions on military and civil development.
Cover image of The military 100

The United States v. Jackie Robinson

"Tells the true story of Jackie Robinson's battle against prejudice while serving in the military during World War II, covering his court-martial for refusing to move to the back of an integrated bus"--OCLC.
Cover image of The United States v. Jackie Robinson


the Devin Snyder story
Created from official military reports, research, and dozens of interviews with family members, fellow soldiers, friends, and community members, Shieldmaiden captures the life and times of Sgt. Devin A. Snyder, the only female soldier from Western New York killed during Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.
Cover image of Shieldmaiden

Little ashes

About the young life and loves of artist Salvador Dal?.
Cover image of Little ashes

The last farmer

an American memoir
The author shares the story of his father's last seasons farming the family homestead in the Saginaw Valley of Michigan, and the effects the decision to give up farming after forty years had on everyone in the family.
Cover image of The last farmer


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