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The boy and the dog are sleeping

The Native American author looks back upon his short time with Awee, the eleven-year-old boy with AIDS he took into his home on the Navajo reservation and cared for until his death.

The boy and the dog are sleeping

The Native American author looks back upon his short time with Awee, the eleven-year-old boy with AIDS he took into his home on the Navajo reservation and cared for until his death.

Geronimo's bones

a memoir of my brother and me
The author recounts the experiences he shared with his beloved brother, a migrant-camp childhood of spotty educational opportunities and survival endured at the hands of an abusive father after the death of their Navajo mother.

The blood runs like a river through my dreams

a memoir
Nasdijj discusses what it was like to grow up as a Native American in the desert Southwest and explains how his upbringing has affected his interaction with modern American society.
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