fathers and sons

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fathers and sons

When Winter Robeson came

In August 1965, twelve-year-old Eden's older cousin from Mississippi comes to visit her in Los Angeles, and while the Watts Riots erupt around them, they continue their investigation of the disappearance of Winter's father ten years ago.

Loveboat reunion

After their disastrous summer in Taipei, Sophie Ha and Xavier Yeh must come together once more to help each other pursue the futures they want.


Told in a series of reports to his therapist, Hazard is resentful about being forced into counseling after being suspended from his school football team for unsportsmanlike conduct, angry that his father has served four tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, angry that his father has lost a leg when an IED blew up--but as his therapy progresses he begins to process what has happened to him and his family, including his father's psychological trauma that has made him refuse to see his sons.


hat heist!
When Newell's very special hat is taken away at school, he and his most talented friends concoct the perfect plan to get it back.

Artemis Fowl

When a twelve-year-old evil genius tries to restore his family fortune by capturing a fairy and demanding a ransom in gold, the fairies fight back with magic, technology, and a particularly nasty troll.

No known address

"Teen homelessness is not always connected to poverty and crime. Sometimes there's more to the story. 'No Known Address' follows a teen named Tyler from a privileged family in Victoria, British Columbia, who is kicked out of his home by his abusive dad [for his attitude]. This novel brings to light the serious nature of verbal and emotional abuse and how difficult it is to be understood and access support in such circumstances"--Amazon.

Mis dos pueblos fronterizos

"A boy and his father cross the United States-Mexico border every other Saturday, visiting their favorite places, spending time with family and friends, and sharing in the responsibility of community care"--.

The sea of monsters

the graphic novel
Demi-god Percy Jackson and his friends must journey into the Sea of Monsters to save their camp. But first Percy will discover a secret that makes him wonder whether being claimed as Poseidon's son is an honor or a cruel joke.

Polo cowboy

While working as a stable hand for the polo team at George Washington Military Academy, Cole, a Black kid from North Philly, must find the courage to stand up and be seen in a world determined to keep him out.

The thing Lenny loves most about baseball

"Lenny can't get enough of baseball. He loves to play. And he loves to pore over his Big Book of Baseball Facts. He wants to be in the big leagues someday, and, he figures, the more he knows, the better his chances. The only thing is, though he tries to keep his eye on the ball as it heads his way during a game, it somehow ends up by his feet. 'You just need to practice,' his dad tells him. So they practice. And practice. Lenny doesn't give up. And it pays off. Lenny makes a game-changing catch! Now he's proven he can be great some of the time. Which, according to the facts, makes him just like the greatest Hall of Famers, right?"--From the publisher's web site.


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