"Felix, an eleven-year-old boy with Growth Hormone Deficiency and love for forensic science, finds out his biological father is also short and decides to find him"--Provided by the publisher.
"[This book] is all about welcoming a new sibling into your family. Learn how to get ready for the baby, how to make the baby laugh, and how to help Mom and Dad when things get a little topsy-turvy"--Provided by the publisher.
Told in rhyming text, ten-year-old James is not thrilled by his baby brother: in fact he would like to send Joe back--so when a magic baby-changing station offers him cool stuff in exchange for the annoying baby, James has a decision to make.
"Bigfoot wants a little brother, so when he gets a little sister, Bea, he builds a robot brother, Brobot; but Brobot does not work at all--until Bea steps in and Bigfoot learns that having a sister can be as much fun as a brother"--OCLC.
"Illustrations and rhyming text follow baby moons as they awaken in their crescent cradles, have an outing, storytime, and more, then get kisses from Grammies as they return to sleep"--Provided by publisher.