Dungeons & Dragons / Rogers, John


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Dungeons & dragons

"Join Adric Fell, the halfling Bree Three-Hands, the dwarf Khal Khalundurrin, the tiefling Tisha Swornheart, and the elf Varis in a tale of high adventure and deep secrets. Adric Fell leads a band of wayward heroes in a world where civilization has been reduced to a few scattered points of light amid a rising tide of shadows. Plus, play as the heroes of the book in three Game Adventures created for this series, replicating pivotal scenes in the story as roleplaying game encounters. You can use these as the foundation for a longer adventure of your own creation, or you can simply play them as a short delve!"--Back cover.

Dungeons & Dragons

Adric Fell leads a band of adventurers, including a dwarf, an elf, a halfling, and a magic user, in a world of demons, magic, and dragons.
Cover image of Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & dragons

Follows a band of adventurers as they seek out fortune and fight evil in a world quickly being consumed by the forces of shadow.
Cover image of Dungeons & dragons

Dungeons & dragons

The Realms Masters crew sets out to protect the Realms by disposing of dangerous magical items, and their mission sets them on course toward fierce battles for survival.
Cover image of Dungeons & dragons

Dungeons & Dragons

Looks at how Adric Fell and a band of adventurers, including a dwarf, an elf, a halfling, and a magic user first got together in a world of demons, magic, and dragons; meanwhile, Fell's Five is stranded in the Feywild.
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