
Topical Term


inspired by the life and lyrics of David Bowie
A lonely boy feels like a stranger on his own planet until the day his radio bursts to life with the rhythm of stardust energy. Includes notes and facts about David Bowie's life.


Ten-year-old Auggie Pullman, who was born with extreme facial abnormalities and was not expected to survive, goes from being home-schooled to entering fifth grade at a private middle school in Manhattan, which entails enduring the taunts and fear of his classmates as he struggles to be seen as just another student.

See no color

Sixteen-year-old Alex is biracial and an adopted member of a white family. Neither her race nor her adopted status has ever bothered her much. She's always been too focused on excelling at baseball to give herself time to worry about it. But when she meets Reggie, the first black boy to be interested in her, and she discovers letters from her biological father that her adoptive parents have kept hidden, she begins to question who she really is.

Chocolate amargo

Fifteen-year-old Eve, lonely and isolated because of her weight problem, finally learns to accept herself. Presented in Spanish.

We're all wonders

"Augie enjoys the company of his dog, Daisy, and using his imagination, but painfully endures the taunts of his peers because of his facial deformity"--OCLC.

Franklin and the Tooth Fairy

Franklin is very sad because he doesn't have any teeth and the tooth fairy will never leave him any presents. Then he discovers that he doesn't need a tooth to get a present, he just needs to be himself.

Auggie & me

three wonder stories
Three previously-published novellas that shed further light on the world of Auggie Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face, set before he entered Beecher Prep and during his first year there and told from other characters' points of view. "The Julian Chapter" reveals why the bully dislikes Auggie so much. "Pluto" is about the lifelong friendship between Auggie and Christopher. And, finally, "Shingaling" offers a view of how the girls at Beecher Prep see Auggie when he first comes on the scene.

Wonder todos somos unicos

"Una historia deliciosa, sencilla y amable que ilustra la importancia de la diversidad y la importancia de aceptar a los dem??s tal como son. En un mundo en el que elbullyingentre los j??venes se est?? convirtiendo en una verdadera epidemia, los libros de la serie "Wonder" ofrecen una nueva visi??n refrescante, necesaria y esperanzadora." -- various websites.

I am enough

"Shares a story of loving who you are, respecting others and being kind to one another"--OCLC.


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