german fiction

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german fiction

Die Duftapotheke (The fragrance pharmacy)

Ein Geheimnis liegt in der Luft (A secret is in the air)
In the old villa it smells strange - after a thousand things at the same time. It's the first thing Luzie notices about her new home. But the smells lead nowhere and the key Luzie finds under a floorboard does not fit into any lock. Is there a hidden room in the villa? Together with her little brother Benno and the neighbor boy Mats, Luzie goes on a search. As they enter the hidden part of the villa, the children can hardly believe their eyes: on floor-to-ceiling shelves, countless scent bottles line up in which it shimmers and bubbles! But in the bottles there are not only nice surprises, but also a lot of dangers. Especially a bottle would have been better kept closed forever...
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