foster home care

Topical Term
foster home care

A place to belong

In 1856, having traveled with his young sister from New York to a foster home on a farm in Missouri, ten-year-old Danny plots to get his foster father to send for and marry his mother.

Frequently asked questions about foster care

Provides information about what foster care is and presents questions that a teenager in foster care would need answered by a specialist. Includes myths about foster care and discusses the emotions that foster children experience. Includes photos, a glossary, an index, and information about foundations and organizations dealing with foster care.

Leo and the Lesser Lion

In Depression-era Alabama, twelve-year-old Mary Bayliss Pettigrew struggles to understand why her beloved older brother, Leo, died and whether she, miraculously, survived for some special purpose.

Finding Katie

the diary of anonymous, a teenager in foster care
Katie begins to find her own strength and courage after she ends up in foster care, away from her angry, abusive father.

Dakota dream

After being shuttled between foster homes and institutions for most of his life, fifteen-year-old Floyd Rayfield escapes from a mental institution to a Sioux reservation, desperately seeking a family and a home.


Twelve-year-old Jack and his younger sister visit Mesa Verde National Park, where they delve into the park's history while gradually uncovering the mysterious past of their family's teenage foster child Lucky.

Little soldier

Taken from Africa to a foster home in London after his family is killed by an enemy tribe, Kaninda discovers the meaning of hate and the value of not hating.

The boy from the basement

Charlie, a twelve-year-old boy who has been confined to his basement by his abusive, psychotic father, is accidently locked out after sneaking outside one night, and ends up in the hospital where he gets the attention he needs and a new start in life.

You're dead, David Borelli

David Borelli's life changes dramatically after the death of his mother and the accusations of fraud against his father. He is no longer wealthy and now lives a poor life in tough surroundings.


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