Brown, Lyn Mikel

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Powered by girl

a field guide for supporting youth activists
Explores how girls participate in activism and provides guidance for adults that support them, drawing on a collection of interviews with diverse women and girl activists.

Packaging boyhood

saving our sons from superheroes, slackers, and other media stereotypes

Meeting at the crossroads

women's psychology and girls' development
Draws from interviews with approximately one hundred girls between the ages of seven and eighteen in an attempt to understand the psychological development of women, and notes the transformation most girls undergo in this period from outspokenness to silence, self-knowledge to uncertainty.


betrayal and rejection among girls
Analyzes how American culture views girlhood, exploring how the media has begun to focus on girls' meanness to other girls instead of trying to positively influence girls' independence and self-esteem and how those portrayals affect the way girls view themselves.
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