

Shakespeare for students

critical interpretations of Shakespeare's plays and poetry
Collection of essays by Shakespeare scholars that have been selected for students at the high school or undergraduate college level. Each entry includes an introduction; a plot synopsis; a character list; a discussion of the work's principal themes; information about the style and literary devices used; a conversation about the work's historical context; and a critical overview.


Includes a brief biography of William Shakespeare, thematic and structural analysis of Macbeth, critical views, and more. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.


Provides a survey of the history of the Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, in criticism and performance and discusses key themes.


a dagger of the mind
An exploration of William Shakespeare's character Macbeth.


Cover image of Macbeth

Power in William Shakespeare's Macbeth

Contains eighteen essays that explore the theme of power in "Macbeth," and includes information on the life, times, and writings of Shakespeare.
Cover image of Power in William Shakespeare's Macbeth


Arabic translation of Shakespeare's Macbeth. It dramatizes the damaging physical and psychological effects of political ambition on those who seek power for its own sake.
Cover image of Macbeth


Presents Shakespeare's shortest play, MacBeth, in Spanish.
Cover image of Macbeth


Set in the 1970s in a run-down, industrial town, this book centers on a police force struggling to shed an incessant drug problem. Duncan, the chief of police, is idealistic and visionary, a dream to the townspeople, but a nightmare for criminals. The drug trade is ruled by two drug lords, one of whom--a master of manipulation named Hecate--has connections with the highest in power, and plans to use them to get his way. Hecate's plot hinges on steadily, insidiously manipulating Inspector Macbeth: the head of SWAT and a man already susceptible to violent and paranoid tendencies. What follows is an unputdownable story of love, guilt, political ambition, and greed, exploring the darkest corners of human nature and the aspirations of the criminal mind.
Cover image of Macbeth

The tragedy of Macbeth

Shakespeare's tragedy of prophecy and royal murder in medieval Scotland.
Cover image of The tragedy of Macbeth


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